The journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step _LaoTzu

The Bangani Art Foundation (BAF) is a dedicated initiative aimed at nurturing, mentoring, and empowering artists in the very early stages of their careers as well as students pursuing careers in the visual arts. It functions as a vital platform that offers essential support and opportunities for artistic growth and the presentation of creative work.
BAF aims to cultivate creativity and innovation while preserving and promoting the rich cultural, artistic, and aesthetic traditions of diverse regions. In its formative phase, the foundation concentrates its efforts within the state of Uttarakhand, with the intention of broadening its scope and enhancing its impact as it progresses and expands its reach.
The concept for BAF emerged in the mind of artist Jagmohan Bangani during the inauguration of his new art studio in Delhi on April 25, 2021. Initially intended as a space for creative exploration, the studio quickly evolved into a hub for artistic development, deeply rooted in thoughtful reflection. On March 4, 2023, Bangani welcomed a group of aspiring young artists from Uttarakhand to his studio and announced the establishment of the foundation, aimed specifically at supporting young artists from the mountainous regions of India. Notably, the Bangani Art Foundation was officially registered on November 6, 2023, solidifying its commitment to this mission.
The foundation cultivates a supportive community where artists engage in mutual growth through mentorship and camaraderie. Central to BAF's mission is the promotion of artistic unity, nurturing emerging talents and guiding them toward becoming confident practitioners. Within this nurturing environment, apprentices experience a sense of belonging that enables them to thrive creatively. The foundation's success stands as a powerful reflection of the founder's steadfast dedication, utilizing the transformative power of art not only for individual expression but also as a driving force for meaningful social change.
Key Points of Work
Art Symposiums/Seminars
Artist’s Residency Programs
Art Internship